
Moon stacking software
Moon stacking software

moon stacking software

For more details, see the Siril FITS format page. Since version 1.0, Siril can work with 32-bit per channel images and FITS cube images.


Additionally, a manual alignment capability makes it also well fitted for amateur astronomers having feature-less or bad quality images that automatic tools fail to align properly. The new star detection registration is perfect for deep sky images, but there are also two automatic translation-only registrations, one more suited for full-image planetary and bright nebula images, based on Fourier transform, and another more simple targeted at deep-sky images, based on PSF on a single reference star. It is still not capable of doing multi-point registration and stacking, which is required for high resolution imagery like planetary imaging. Siril is now fully capable to pre-process and process deep sky images and lucky imaging deep-sky sequences. It also features some processing tools like photometric colour correction and histogram transformation. Using scripts, Siril can produce a stacked image from a set of directories on the click of a button. It provides a more user-friendly interface than Iris' command line as well as more modern and powerful processing algorithms. Siril is targeted to amateur astronomers having acquired images and wanting to process them in a semi-automatic way.

moon stacking software

This image was processed using Siril, see other processing results.

Moon stacking software